Supporting the Fight Against Alzheimer's Alzheimer's
Disease is a terrible affliction that more than 5 million
Americans have today. As a member of the Baby Boom Generation,
Gary knows that the specter of the disease looms. It has touched
some of his own family members.
And most Boomers also know that the disease
could affect them, either through its effect on one or both
parents, or perhaps even themselves.
We support the fight against Alzheimer's
Disease by giving to the Alzheimer's Association (
As is stated on the organization's website, donated funds "help
fight Alzheimer's disease through vital research and essential
support programs and services."
We also try to do our share to educate others about the early warning
signs of Alzheimer's by being a member of the Alzheimer's Early
Detection Alliance.
For more information, click on any of the
links on the right.